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Helme Lane, Skelsmergh, Kendal, LA9 6NU

Skelsmergh parish is situated on the northern outskirts of Kendal and what was once an agricultural area with small family farms is now much used as a ‘commuter belt’ for the town.

Along with the scattered farms and homes the main concentrations of population are the hamlets/small villages of Garth Row, Oakbank, Mealbank, Dodding Holme and Kiln Croft.  Mealbank also has a small busy industrial estate.  The population of the parish is approximately 300.


Skelsmergh church was built in 1871 by the parishioners and stands in a very prominent position a mile out of Kendal, in close proximity to the A6, which runs through the parish.  Within the parish there was a catholic chapel and presbytery at Dodding Holme.  This now houses an Italian Cenacolo community – a drug re-habilitation unit for young men.


Our regular worship is led by the ministers in the Beacon Team, with each attending on a regular and planned basis.  Members of the congregation take on the duties of reading, preparing the intercessions and chalice administration.  Two members of the congregation take part on a regular basis in the provision of hospital communion, organised by the Beacon Team, at the Westmorland General Hospital.

Skelsmergh: TeamMember
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