COVID-19 Statement
What you will find in all our Church buildings when you come to services, in order that everybody feels and keeps safe
There will still be some social distancing in place, in general every other row of seats will not be in use
Everyone will be asked to wear a face-mask. These are available in Church if you forget yours.
Hand sanitiser will be available at entrances for you to use
We will ask you for your name and contact details or to scan a QR code.
The congregation will be able to sing hymns, but wearing your mask
We will continue to receive Communion in one kind for the time being.
For larger services such as weddings, funerals and baptisms we will limit the numbers in the building to 50% capacity (or in some cases less) dependent upon risk assessment
All this is in place not to restrict worship. We want people to come and join us and to feel safe doing so.